
An inclusive society where persons with disabilities enjoy equal opportunity, protection of rights and respect for their autonomy, which further enable them to lead a productive, safe and dignified life.


To play a significant role in creating awareness in the society to recognize persons with disabilities as valuable human resources of the country and to foster an environment which facilitates equal opportunities, easy accessibility, protection of rights and full participation of persons with disabilities, through advocacy, awareness creation, capacity building, rehabilitation services, human resource development and technological advances.


  1. To serve as a resource centre for rehabilitation and special education of persons with disabilities

  2. To undertake human resource development by training rehabilitation professionals, village level workers, multi rehabilitation workers and other functionaries in government and non government sector, required for providing services to PWDs

  3. To undertake public education programmes for creation of awareness in the parents and the community

  4. To undertake designing, fabrication and fitment of aids & appliances

  5. To undertake services of education and skill development leading to enhancement of opportunities for employment, rehabilitation, mobility communication, recreation and integration in society.

  6. To undertake research and development with specific reference to needs of diverse groups of people with disability, keeping in view the nature and severity of disability in the region.

  7. To stimulate growth of services by encouraging and supporting voluntary organisation, parents groups and self –help groups.

  8. To establish linkages with existing medical, educational and employment services, following the principles of community based rehabilitation and offer extension services in the rural area.

  9. To develop strategies for delivery of rehabilitation services suitable to the socio-cultural background of the region